Use F2 or F3 for new 2D or 3D game.
Left click target square to move, right click for player controls.
Use arrow keys to adjust board view.
Use 'H' in main window for complete list of commands
File Name File Size |
File Description |
ParmenSetup.exe 421KB |
Parmen Win32 self-extracting executable V2.92 (to upgrade, uninstall old version then install new) |
3dguide.doc 56KB |
User's Guide to learn the program - learn rules with next link |
3D Chess Tournament Rules (free in English, German, and Romulan!) | 328kB |
Parmen V2.95 zipped executable and pieces V2.95 allows user-defined pieces and board | 844KB |
Parmen (BETA) Linux archive V2.98f (extract archive and run from terminal) |
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Michael Klein's excellent 3D chess site
lasercut 3D portable chess set
Tony Joe Britton's friendly FaceBook Amateur Tri-Dimensional Chess League
Three-dimensional chess entry at Memory Alpha
Three-dimensional chess entry at Wikipedia
resource for Star Trek games (however don't download Parmen from there, old version)